Creating 40 apps in protypestyle to learn, test and use aws services

Creating 40 apps in 40 days does not mean creating 40 apps in the next 40 days. It means, that every app only need one day for developing, in sum. One day means 10-16 hours overall. I am working 1-2 hour per day for an app.

My destination is much learning about AWS (Amazon Web Services). Combine them and present, how easy it is, to create an App.

I will show the scripts and code, which are used, so everone can rebuild the apps.

My three first Apps are threading with text Rekognition.

App one takes a picture, send it to aws for analysing and receives the text from the picture

App two does the same, but in different languages. Choose an source language and an destination language, take a picture with source language text and get the answer in destination language.

App three does the same as app two, but the answer is read aloud.

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